This Communication Misstep Is Sending Away Your Best Candidates

Across much of the country, unemployment rates remain shockingly low. This leaves companies in a difficult position. It’s a job seekers’ market, so recruiting top talent has become incredibly challenging. Candidates aren’t forced to settle, particularly passive job seekers who aren’t in dire need of a new role.

Since candidates have a significant amount of power in today’s landscape, even small mistakes aren’t likely to be tolerated. Job seekers can move on to other opportunities if they aren’t thrilled with their experience. If you want to make sure a communication misstep isn’t causing your best candidates to flee, here are a few that you need to avoid.

Computer-Generated, Impersonal Communications

Many companies rely on automated systems to keep candidates updated. For example, a generic form email is usually what lets a job seeker know their application was received, that they are moving on to the interview round, or that they are no longer being considered.

While computer-generated messages are convenient for hiring managers and recruiters, their impersonal nature won’t win you many fans. Today, candidates expect a more personalized approach and, if it doesn’t happen, may decide to remove themselves from contention.

This doesn’t mean you need to handcraft every email a job seeker may receive. However, you do need to make sure that you make a human connection early and regularly. Otherwise, the candidate experience suffers, and top candidates might look for opportunities elsewhere.

Interviews That Feel Like Interrogations

During an interview, every hiring manager’s goal is to find out as much about the candidate as possible. After all, it’s their job to find a strong match, and they usually only have a limited amount of time to ask questions.

But that doesn’t mean your interview process should be entirely one-sided. If you aren’t giving candidates a chance to chime in, ask clarifying questions, or otherwise engage with you, the interview quickly begins to feel like an interrogation. From a job seeker’s perspective, that can be frustrating, intimidating, or even dehumanizing.

Instead of machine-gunning questions in the candidate’s direction, focus on building a rapport. Create some breathing room by having moments where the job seeker can contribute their two cents, and you can begin to cultivate a dialog.

Not only does this make the experience more pleasant, but it may also give you access to insights you’d otherwise miss. When a candidate is more relaxed, their true personality is more likely to shine through. This may enable you to find the best match possible, ensuring you can find a new hire has the right capabilities, and that will mesh with your company’s culture.

Ultimately, communication missteps can cost your candidates. By focusing on the candidate experience, you can make sure that doesn’t happen, making it more likely that you can secure the top performer your company needs to thrive.

If you’d like to learn more about landing the best candidates and improving your workplace’s communication, the staff at CPS Recruitment can help. Contact us today and see how our candidate experience expertise can benefit you.