Planning To Quit Your Job? Read This First!

Nearly every person has contemplated quitting a job at some point during their working life. But taking the leap, particularly if you don’t have anything else lined up to replace it, is a huge decision.

Ultimately, deciding to quit your job has a significant impact on your life, so it’s important to give it some real thought before you officially give your notice. Typically, once you say you’re done, there’s little (if any) opportunity to turn back. So, if you are planning to quit your job, here are some points you need to consider.

How Long Have You Been There?

Every job comes with a learning curve, and it can be frustrating to adapt to a work environment. Usually, no one is great in a role from day one. Instead, it takes weeks or months before you finish familiarizing yourself with all the processes and people, and may take a bit longer still to feel comfortable.

While there isn’t an official amount of time you must stay at a new job to give it a fair shake, deciding a position isn’t right for you without giving yourself an opportunity to really become familiar with it could mean you are doing yourself a disservice. This is especially true if you are trying to gain new skills as you work in the job, as this certainly takes some time.

If your dissatisfaction is based on being in an unfamiliar environment, try to hang in there and see if things improve. You may be surprised what a few additional months of experience in the role can do for your mindset.

How Marketable Are You?

Unless you already have a new position lined up, you’ll need to assess how marketable your current skill set and level of experience are in today’s job market. If you haven’t been in your current role for long, this is even more important.

A short stay with an employer can seem like a red flag to hiring managers, so you need to determine whether your resume will be enticing if you have to list a position you’ve been in for less than a year or two.

Are You Over or Underworked?

If you’re considering quitting because you are either burned out or bored, it’s wise to see if there are any changes that can be made in your current role to alleviate these feelings. If you’re overworked, speak with your supervisor and see if any resources are available or if your workload can be adjusted.

In cases where boredom is the problem, see if there is more you could be doing in an area that interests you. Often, if you want more responsibility, you need to ask for it. And, if your manager is open to the idea, you could find your current role is suddenly a great place to be.

Ideally, if you really want to quit your job after reviewing the points above, it’s wise to try and secure a new position before making the leap. If you are interested in finding new opportunities, the professionals at CPS Recruitment can connect you with some of the area’s top employers. Contact us to speak with one of our skilled recruiters today and see how our services can benefit you.